Endoex 19.5% 500ml


Note:To be sold on veterinary doctor’s prescription.

Each ml contains:
Levamisole HCL…………………75mg

Packing: 500ml

Manufactured By: Hawk Bio Pharma (Pvt) Ltd.

Veterinary Use Only

In stock




For the treatment and control of parasitic gastroenteritis, bronchitis and all immature and adult stages of liver fluke in cattle and buffalo.

Dosage Form: Oral liquid

For Use in Cattle/Buffalo
1ml for 10kg live weight.
10ml for 100kg live weight.
20ml for 200kg live weight.
25ml for 250kg live weight.
30ml for 300kg live weight.
35ml for 350kg live weight.
40ml for 400kg live weight.
45ml for 450kg live weight.
50ml for 500kg live weight.

Do not mix with organophosphorus compounds. Do not use Endoex 19.5% upto 14 days after the use of organophosphorus compounds.

For Further information contact us at Whatsapp.